Toothpick Architecture

There are ways to express one's own creativity. Most creative people are not limited to the availability of materials to create their masterpieces. There are a few who use the most common materials available to express their art and still create magnificent masterpieces.
Toothpick Art

The artists below skillfully create marvelous sculptures using toothpicks or matchsticks as their main material. The number of materials, effort, and patience that they put into their work will surely boggle one's mind.

Unique Home Designs: Adaptive Reuse

A lot of creative design solutions come from re-purposed old buildings. The design constraints of the existing structure often result in innovative solutions. Whether it's a freight container, a barn or a silo creative designers come up with inspiring ideas. They design unique structures that meet the needs of their client.

Back when I was still a student, I always wanted to redesign an old warehouse into a modern home. I've had a lot of sketches and concepts to visualize how they're going to come out. I've always wanted to redesign old abandoned buildings and make them useful again.

 Images courtesy of SeARCH
Architect: SeARCH
Farmyard to Residential Building