Toothpick Architecture

There are ways to express one's own creativity. Most creative people are not limited to the availability of materials to create their masterpieces. There are a few who use the most common materials available to express their art and still create magnificent masterpieces.
Toothpick Art

The artists below skillfully create marvelous sculptures using toothpicks or matchsticks as their main material. The number of materials, effort, and patience that they put into their work will surely boggle one's mind.

Unique Home Designs: Adaptive Reuse

A lot of creative design solutions come from re-purposed old buildings. The design constraints of the existing structure often result in innovative solutions. Whether it's a freight container, a barn or a silo creative designers come up with inspiring ideas. They design unique structures that meet the needs of their client.

Back when I was still a student, I always wanted to redesign an old warehouse into a modern home. I've had a lot of sketches and concepts to visualize how they're going to come out. I've always wanted to redesign old abandoned buildings and make them useful again.

 Images courtesy of SeARCH
Architect: SeARCH
Farmyard to Residential Building

12 Unique Office Designs that Make the Workplace more Enjoyable

For most of us, the office is where we spend a lot of our waking time. Whatever your line of work, mounting work and approaching deadlines will cause you stress. Working in a typical cubicle office space will not only cause you more pressure, but it will also hinder you from thinking better and reducing your creativity.

Working in a well-designed office will make your office routine more enjoyable, making the employees more productive. Various architects or designers have different approaches in arriving at a design office interiors. Whether they approach it through environmentally friendly design or very dynamic and inspiring design, their goals are the same, to arrive at a more conducive environment for the office users and increase productivity. Below are some great and unique office designs.

1.Selgas Cano Architecture Studio Designed By Selgas Cano Architecture

3D Tips: Vray Ambient Occlusion

A simple tip that can improve your renderings is to take advantage of Vray's ambient occlusion. Ambient occlusion wasn't available back when I started using Vray. Ambient occlusion is a simplified way of using Vray dirt in the scene.

The first scene did not use ambient occlusion. The walls are too bright, while the joints and the ceiling's corners aren't that well defined. There are also a lot of overblown highlights in the scene.

Twixtor Turn Normal Videos to Extreme Slow Motion

I have always been fascinated with slow motion videos. Every time I see a extreme slow motion video I have always wondered how I could make a slow motion video at a minimal cost. When I found out that the Nikon J1 cameras had a slow motion video I did a research on other cheaper cameras which has this capability.

While doing my research I bumped in to Twixtor. I saw the video below which was slowed down to 4000fps. I was amazed on how smooth the transition of each frame were especially since the original video was only 60fps.

Metabones Speed booster Mirrorless Adapter

I've been using the micro four-thirds system for a while now and I love the system for its portability. The only issue I have with the micro four-thirds system is the lack of fast and affordable lenses. I love using prime lenses. I have a few fast legacy prime lenses to cover my need for fast primes. The only problem with the legacy lenses is the lack of autofocus.

A few days ago, I read an article from 43rumors that made me love more of the micro four-thirds system. Metabones is going to introduce a new adapter which will increase the speed of the lenses by a full stop. It will also widen the focal length by a factor of  0.70x. Which will bring the crop factor of the Micro Four Thirds system to 1.40x.

Deshaker Stabilizing Sulotion to your Handheld Videos

Lately I have been exploring the world of HD video using my DSLR. My fascination in video started when I attended a wedding and saw the works presented by those professional video and photographers. I was amazed on how they managed to create an incredible output using their DSLR. Although I don't have any plans on pursuing video/photographer as a career, I became interested in the video capabilities since I am the unofficial video/photographer in my family.

The first time I used my DSLR to take full hd videos, I was disappointed with the results. Most of the videos I took handheld were too shaky. I usually shot my videos at the tele end of my lens which increased the shakiness of my videos. After a couple more tries on shooting videos I eventually gave up on it since I thought all my videos were unusable due to the shakiness of the output.

Unique Shop Designs

Shop designs are essential to attract the right customers. Having an eye-catching interesting design for a store can draw the attention of curious people who may eventually be potential customers. A good shop design attracts attention and highlights the products it sells.

I've explored some remarkable shops with unique designs that will probably make people passing by these stores take a second look. Some of these shops use normal materials in an innovative way and some are just out of the box designs.
I like the innovative use of paper tubes that resemble stalactites in a cave.
Designed by: Suppose Design Office Architect

Kirk Originals
Designed by: Campaign Design

Stunning Living Paintings by Alexa Meade

Beverly Hills BOLD Holidays 2018

Painters usually project what they see in a canvas. They create art by painting and interpreting what they see. There are some who create realistic paintings and others who create abstract paintings. Each artist has his or her own preference for how they want to express their art. One artist I've found is doing something unique compared to what most painters do.

Unique Interiors - Bathrooms

Bathroom designs with pocket gardens and skylights have always fascinated me. The merging of interior and exterior spaces gives an open, relaxing, and bright ambiance from these spaces.

Even though people spend less time in these rooms, the design of these spaces is just as important as any other space in the house. We usually use this space at the start of the day and our mood during these hours will affect how the rest of the day will turn out.