AI Art: Ares the God of War

AI Generated artwork of Ares the God of War

 AI-Generated Ares God of War Artworks made with Nightcafe. Starting images for this series were all created with Craiyon and then enhanced with Night Cafe Studio. 

AI Generated Robot Artworks

 AI-Generated Robot Artworks made with Nightcafe. Starting images for this series were all created with Craiyon and then enhanced with Night Cafe Studio. 

AI Art: Samurai

AI Generated Artwork of Samurais
I used Craiyon for my input image and enhanced it on Wombo to create a series of AI generated Samurai.

How to Check a Property for Geohazards in the Philippines

If you are looking to buy a property, one of the first things you should do is check for any geohazards in that area. Doing your due diligence before making a decision will save you from headaches in the future. Geohazards are intangible factors of a property that buyers frequently overlook. When you visit a property, there is usually no way for you to determine whether the property has a geohazard risk.

A photo of a flooded village
Photo by Pok Rie