AI Art: Druids

AI Generated Artwork of Druids


Druid AI generated artwork

Nightcafe was used to create AI-generated artwork of a Druid. This artwork was created with the highest settings.

Overlord Over Ruins


Made this artwork using a base image generated on Wombo and reinterpreted in Nightcafe. Keywords used in this artwork are Lovecraft and Gerald Brom.

Kaiju Rising


AI generated artwork of Kaiju Rising made with Wombo and enhanced on Nightcafe.

Dragon Slayers


Dragon Slayers

This ai artwork was created with the StarryAI app. I haven't made AI generated artwork on this app in a long time. I mostly use the wombo app to create AI generated artworks because there are no limits to the number of artworks you can create. However, when it comes to the quality of the Art generated by all of the apps I use, StarryAI produces the best results if you know which prompts to use. This artwork was created with the fewest iterations possible, but the quality produced by this app is excellent. This app never ceases to astound me.